Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting ready for the Escapees Class Rally

One of the things we did in the RGV this last winter with some of the 2007 Class was to practice for a skit we’re planning to do here at the rally. The last two couples in our skit arrived yesterday afternoon so we had a practice this morning.

Later Dick, Karin, John and I went to a nearby local RV dealership to check on Dick & Karin’s body repair and our generator fix. They can’t do ours but kindly gave us a list of names of companies in TX who do work on Power Tech generators. Dick & Karin were told that this company has a great body fixer, so they made arrangements for a quote and started the process. Meanwhile, we checked out a couple of 5ers for friends – yuck but fun to look at and critique! It’s amazing how so many RV’s are poorly designed for storage and actual use. But, boy – are they pretty to look at!

Back to the park in time to see the tail-end of a video from the first rally in Quartzsite. Then it was off to dinner at the Hungry Horse Restaurant with all of the gang. Good food and then we went back to the park for the impromptu welcome in the hall. Some of us played “Hand and Foot” afterwards.

I stayed up really late working on our AK presentation materials after finding out today from Norah that they couldn’t find a projector to use for PowerPoint presentations. I’ll be sleepy tomorrow…

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