Sunday, March 22, 2009

Back in the RGV

Our trip back to the valley on Friday was uneventful. We'll miss everyone from the rally but will likely see several at "The Rally" in Albuquerque next month and others in Washington this summer. It's quite amazing how paths cross in the RVing world!

Many of the people from here are heading north now, although some will stay here through the end of March, some till April or May and a very few stay here year-round. Activities are slowing down and will pretty much stop after this week. There wasn't any Sunday night ice cream tonight, but John's sister Jane and her husband Tony hosted a little get-together this evening to get some help cleaning out the refrigerator before they head home. We had a fun time and then topped off the evening with a game of Dominoes. John & I got beat - oh, well. Maybe we'll have better luck at pinochle tomorrow afternoon...


  1. I just figured out that you guys had this blog too! Yay! I can't wait to read all the past blogs to see what you have been up to!

  2. I just got it started after attending a blog workshop at an RV rally. ...there's only one other post for you to read:):) But, enjoy anyway! Hugs to all of you!
